Looked out the kitchen window this morning to find a family of deer spying on me, I bet their happy to see spring. To bad for the poor pic.

No updates the last few days, I have had some weird stuff going on. Thursday evening I noticed I was peeing a lot, during the night I got up 7-8 times to relieve myself despite not drinking during the night. I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck and my weight had dropped to the low 130's, all day I continued to pee every 10-15 minutes and my kidneys were killing me. I talked the lab at work into a urinalysis, suspecting a possible infection stemming from the cold I was just getting over, results negative. I had a course following work at the PT school until 7pm and when I got home my weight still had not returned to normal despite all my fluid intake. For some reason I was not absorbing any fluid. I drank 64 0z of gatorade before bed on Friday night and only had to pee maybe 3-4 times during the night. Saturday morning I was closer to my normal weight and feeling much better, no more kidney aches. I figure I must have had some kind of electrolyte imbalance, it is tough to say without blood work. Anyway I am feeling better.
Got 3 rides in on Saturday, sounds like a lot but all 3 equal maybe 1.5 hours. To the health science building in the am, home in the afternoon, and then down to Rosie's moms in Holliday on the MTB in the evening. Happy to get this course out of the way, I have one course remaining which I will finish up in July and then just need to complete my research, defend it and I will be done with my doctorate, praise be! I did a couple good efforts on the climb home from school, you can get some good training done in a short time on this hill. The elevation below shows the front climb which I normally use, but today I used the steeper smoother back climb. Word on the street is this summer the front climb will be repaved.
Finally sold Rosies Acura today which is nice to have out of the way, seems like Sunday should be more relaxing but we had a lot going today, at least we got a nice walk in after omelets for dinner. Going to the dentist tomorrow, wish me luck.