My brain got a good work out today. After work I was in lecture and lab on vestibular rehab until 8pm. The ride home was pleasant minus the Gale force canyon wind and the brights of oncoming traffic. I pretty much have the emigration canyon trade winds dialed. In the am the wind blows down the canyon until about 10:30-11:00 am at which time it switches and blows up the canyon, anyone that has ridden EC in the afternoon knows about the 2-gear down tailwind. What most people don't know is that after dark as the air cools the wind switches again and blows down the canyon. I am not a weatherman by trade, but from what I understand these winds all have to do with the air moving from valley to valley with changes in temperature, which is fairly consistent from day to day. All the canyons along the wasatch front behave about the same with some being more pronounced than others, Spanish Fork Canyon is about the strongest that I know of and a great place for electricity generating windmills. It seems the canyons with larger/wider valleys at the top of the canyon have stronger down winds. This would explain the strong winds of SF, Provo, Emigration, and Parleys canyon and the relatively lesser winds of say the cottonwoods. Generally you can set your clock by these wind changes unless barometric pressure is changing dramatically and the weather is unsettled. Who knows, I may have no idea what I am talking about. Anyway, I felt pretty good climbing up the hill to my house despite the wind, when its dark you always feel faster and you can't check your gearing, I just pretend my 80- 90 rpm cadence is in the 39-17 or 21 up the 10-15% grade, what would that take, about 12 watts/kg. Had chocolate chips for dinner tonight, my favorite.
Tomorrow will be the warmest day of the year so far and I will again be exercising my brain in vestibular rehab, I can't wait to be done with this doctoral work. If your headed out on a long Saturday ride, enjoy! At least I have the trusty commute to keep me sane and fit.
Oh I almost forgot, I got a sweet 91' Acura Integra for sale if anyone is interested. Hate to see it go as it has been a great car and has a million miles left in it, but I just don't have room for cars I hardly drive.

Also just got some pics of the 06 Raleigh race bikes from Norm, he built one up for a photo shoot and press release, we should have ours in about a week, not quite in time for Cholla. Maybe I'll post some pics this weekend.
Current wheather conditions in EC at 6000 ft:
Temp: 41.8 F
RH: 43%
Barometric pressure: 24.00 inHg
High clouds, light breeze