I cried today
Bills funeral was a beautiful celebraion of life and realy pulled at my heart strings. It seems my emotions are much closer to the surface now I am a father, and having Eva on my lap during the service did not help matters, I was a wreck! They say only real men cry and wear pink in public, I better start searching ebay for a cotton candy polo. Did a ride in the UC this afternoon with Rog. We spun the mounain bikes up around rock canyon, along Y mountain, and back up through sherwood hills. Also burned a riverbottoms loop and finished up on the bike path. It's good to get back to my old stompin grounds. I was thinking of a few Utah county rides I have not done in a while, here is a brief list:
rock canyon-slide canyon loop
rock canyon-lightning ridge-south fork
wallsburg-south fork
grove creek -timpanooke
great western-dry creek via baldy
climb to the Y
gillespie trail
upper clay pits/look out/2nd look out/3rd look out
don't even get me started on the ridge trails or payson lake area
The trails you cut your teeth on will always be special.
Going south tomorrow for some desert riding, trying out a new camera so hope to post some pics later. As Rosie would say "shred the nar!"
come down any time. those are the reasons we moved to edgemont.
8:33 AM
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