This morning while I was riding down the hill out of my neighborhood to work I came across a large coyote walking down the left side of the road. This is not unusual fo rthe neighborhood and slowed down as I passed. I was
surprised he did not bolt into the scrub oak as I got close and was excited to get a closer look. About 50 ft after passing him I slowed down and turned around just in time to watch him wind up his sprint in my direction. Being on a steep grade it was easy for me
quickly accelerate down the road only to watch him accelerate into a full speed chase.
I have encountered dozens of coyotes in my neighborhood and have never known them to be
aggressive so I was a little shocked by this guys attitude.
After a couple
hundred feet of high speed down hill I decided to take a left turn onto another road to see how
committed he was, sure enough he made the turn and kept on coming. This road levels out and I noticed he was slowing down a little so I slowed down, came to a stop about 100 feet from where he stopped and we stared each other down. As our eyes met I could tell he meant
business and noticed he was fairly
mangy and looked like he had gone a few rounds with some big local dogs. I decided to see how bold he was and sprinted the
cannondale scalpel straight at him, for a minute I got a little worried as he did not budge until I was maybe 20 feet from T-boning him. He then flipped around and ran up the road another couple hundred feet before stopping.
This guy was holding his ground and I had no choice but to turn and head for work.
He's still out there roaming emigration oaks...