So yesterdays tour was a little bitter sweet.
Jared and I had a great time skiing some amazing lines but were ultimately denied the full meal deal due to time constraints and some gear glitches.
The plan was to summit and ski the high point/premier peak in each drainage including Box Elder--> Pheiferhorn --> Mt Superior--> Gobblers Nob--> Mt
Aire. We made pretty good time and enjoyed great weather but Jared was testing some new race gear before his trip to France for the grand daddy of all ski races and learned that new boots can be trouble on an all day tour. On the other hand they should be well broken in now!
We made it to
BCC road by 3:30 and were faced with the decision to hitch down the canyon or continue on to Gobblers Nob which would cause me to
miss Eva's first time ice skating and possibly destroy Jared's heels beyond repair. As bad as we wanted to keep going, we are responsible family guys and bailed down the canyon. In hindsight it was the right decision as Eva ice skating was priceless and Jared's has some big races coming up.
Box Elder- Up west ridge, skied North face and cirque

On top we can't keep are eyes off

Pheiferhorn- up South face, skied East face and North face through
Maybird and out Red Pine

Heel repair and boot modifications on top

Traverse onto North face

Mt Superior- up pole line to East ridge, skied North face via West chute and out
Camera died!
skinning was good, the booting was good, the weather was good, the snacks good, good company,good form, good skiing, good terrain, good equipment,good views, and good decisions. But I am left with a slight void as the traverse
was not completed. On the bright side we will get to do it again...
Oh yea,
dynafit ST 7.0 skis rip! More on gear later...
Now it's March and I get to test my new ski tour training plan at the bike races...