Are you signed up for Ali's cross clinic this Saturday?

I know what your thinking... I am already skilled, my technique is dialed, I know the drill and don't need no
stinkin clinic, I just want to race! Or... I'm not good enough, I will slow everyone down, I just race for fun anyway. Or... All I have is a mountain bike, I might not even race, or $50 would buy some cool new baseball cards.
Excuses don't cut it here: I have been racing cross a long time and last years clinic helped me polish up my technique. I meet a ton of cool new racers all of who ended up having stellar cross seasons. Everyone from Sven to Fred benefits from practice and
constructive feedback. For the rookie this is the least intimidating place to learn a new skill.
If you would like to do the clinic but the 50 clams is the sticky point let me know and I will sponsor you. If time is an issue than just do one of the half day options. If you don't have a cross bike then let me know and I will try to track down a loaner, or bring your
MTB. If your hungry, lunch is provided. If your thirsty, enjoy the
If you just can't make it this Saturday then sign up for the
docs Thursday clinics at
Sugerhouse Park.
If your a junior rider and want to go, for sure let me know!
Hope to see you Saturday!