NW Coulior Pfeffierhorn
Nice way to start the week!
Andy, Jason, and Lars above Red Pine Lake
Lars and Jason on the East ridge of the Pfeffierhorn
Looking into the NW Coulior which is lacking snow on the upper section. Could have rapped in but chose to down climb the ridge and duck in from lookers right.
Good steep full concentration skiing in the upper section before the rappel.
Lars checking out his line about 1/2 way down the lower section. You can ski with reckless abandon down here.
Hogum into Maybird.
Beautiful morning, wanted to ski some other nice lines back there but had to get back to the real world. I am continually amazed at the amount of ground that can be covered on skis before brunch!
Now to figure out how to post all this great video I have been getting with my new camera.
you guys take things to a new level
7:53 PM
dude if you are going to be playing with video you need to get a macbook pro. simple as that.
looks like a sweet tour.
7:52 AM
Great pictures. Nothing like a little ski mountaineering to get the week started off.
9:42 AM
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