Sunday, January 04, 2009

thanks dude

Mixed it up yesterday:

15k Skate race at White Pine- once again ski racing is always a humbling experience. I went pretty good for me but need some more time on the skinny's and some coaching to refine my technique.

Last Call Cross Race- Possibly the best conditions for racing bikes, packed snow with ruts. Class crew adds to the fun.

Cross party at RMR, Rosie's take!

Was unable to get in a triple crown day with a late afternoon tour so I went for a walk this morning in the sunshine. I lost my phone in the snow while taking a layer off. I figured I was cooked as I covered a fair bit of terrain before I figured it out. Not the first time I have lost my phone in the woods with hundreds of numbers gone, but still a huge pain.
When I got home Rosie got a call from a DUDE who found it while hiking in Freeze Creek, he called Ohran who was the last number I had dialed and he informed him of the phones owner. This guy has some serious karma stacked in his favor.

Anyway, it was a nice morning for a walk and I got in a couple laps in the backyard on some surprisingly good snow.

Tomorrow morning is supposed to be cold so if I ride my bike to work I may be able to set a low temperture record for the season, wish for subzero's!


Blogger Dave Harris said...


I lost my phone last summer - the person that found it left a XXX text for Lynda but I never saw the phone again.

11:59 AM


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